A cat in heaven

A cat in heaven – from Spotlight Nr. 5/2015                                                       Ginger in heaven

A cat dies and goes to heaven.  St. Peter is waiting at the gates and says, “Well, you were a good cat.  You never annoyed anyone.  You can enter heaven and have anything you want.”  The car thinks and replies:  “I’d like the softest cushion imaginable.”  St. Peter gives her the cushion and the cat enters the gates.  Some time later, a group of mice dies and go to heaven.  They meet St. Peter at the gates.  He tells them:  “You were good mice.  You kept to yourselves and never scared anyone.  You can enter heaven and have anything you want.”  The mice think about it and reply:  “We always saw kids on roller skates and thought that would be fun.  Can we have some of those?”  St. Peter gives them the skates, and they roll into heaven.  Later, Peter sees the cat and asks her, “So how’s your cushion?”  “Wonderful!” the cat says.  “And the meals on wheels were a lovely idea, too. “

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