A G M 2021/2022 on 29th September 2021

Finally, the start of a new Cosmo year! After our Welcome lunch on Sept. 8th, we could really begin our new Cosmo year, with 22 members attending. Ina read the minutes from the last AGM, exactly one year ago, on Sept 30, 2020. Liesel read the very positive treasurer’s report and announced that our dues this year would be reduced to € 10 per person. Nancy gave a review of the very sparse activities, hence a very short Social Report. Then the’old committee’ was reinstated as the ‘new committee’, and we could move on to our most important topic, the charity for the year. Last year we had committed to support a project of the Alte Feuerwache especially for girls. But since everything was in lockdown for most of the year, the AF could only come up withproject suggestions very late this year. Out of the 3 projects the Committee decided on Swimming lessons for a number of girls, for their self-confidence and their own safety. The members agreed. Next we decided on our charity for this coming year: the new Frauenhaus in Cologne. Barbara M-S started us off immediately by selling the small asters she had bought for our table decoration, with the money to go to our charity. As a very special guest Brenda joined us, a long-standing member who is now severely suffering from Parkinson’s.  One last detail: our new names tags! Ina with the help of her kind husband created and ordered them, one for each of us, a lanyard with a small plastic envelope. Each name is printed largely enough so that even the blindest among us can read it! These were collected at the end of the meeting and will be passed out accordingly at each meeting. What a practical handy idea! Katie and Lesely donated the cake for this meeting, delicious as always. After so many points of discussion, we were all glad to get to the informal chatty part of the meeting. And, so glad to be back into our normal routine. This year will be different from last year.

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