“A Lady in Japan” – Travel Report by Barbara – IN-Meeting – 10th November 2021

At last we  were invited to listen to Barbara R.’s travel report, “A Lady in Japan”. This had been postponed several times due to Corona, so we were all the more filled with anticipation. And we were not disappointed. Of course it’s always interesting to hear reports from our very own members, this was Barbara’s second report, the 1st being South Africa.      She introduced us to Japan by showing us the safety instructions on the plane, in Japanese and English, and quite humorous. Then she showed us a map of her complete journey, 2 weeks fromTokio to Kyoto.The distances are impressive enough, each stage of the trip was enhanced by photos. Shrines, temples, parks and gardens. and of course the lovely silk kimonos. She planned the trip together with 2 friends, using a Japanese travel agent in Düsseldorf. It was not an organized trip, she and her friends usually didn’t stay in the same hotel. Barbara preferred the smaller, more local hotels.      Several times they took organized excursions to areas outside a city, but usually they walked in the cities, or took the train to the next city. With a rail pass Barbara had a lot of freedom to move around as she pleased. Within the cities there is a train system which might put our Cologne system to shame.      Food was not such a problem, as she had been to Japan on business trips and knew what to expect. In many restaurants the menues included pictures, so you can get an idea of what’s coming. But Barbara did point out that if you don’t like sushi, your choice is rather limited .    In the end, Barbara suggested that Kyoto is the most Japanese city, one not to be missed on such a trip. We were very impressed with Barbara’s travel expertise, and of course, her courage to undertake such a trip. Looking forward to your next trip, Barbara! 16 ladies attended the meeting, plus 2 new members. 

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