Advent Tea at the Alte Feuerwache

advent-tea-2016On Nov. 23 we opened the holiday season with our annual Advent tea at the Alte Feuerwache. Our usual IN meeting room was transformed into a festive holiday room, with green table cloths and red pointsettias, and best of all, lots of homemade cakes and cookies. As there was no set programme we had time to just chat with each other and get to know our newer members a bit better. 21 members attended and 2 guests. We also collected for our charity, supporting girls’ projects at the Alte Feuerwache. And the poinsettias, which had been donated by Ina and Lesley, were sold at the end , the money also going to our charity. We were able to collect 182,90 € for our charity – a big thank you to all the donors. All in all, it was a delightful way to get the holiday season going.

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