Advent Tea at the Alte Feuerwache – 29th November 2017

Our Cosmo holiday season began with our annual Advent tea on Nov. 29 at the Alte Feuerwache.We are always surprised ourselves how festive we can make our usual meeting room look with just table cloths and red pointsettas. Of course, the highlight is the homemade cookies and cakes, ranging from minced pies to brownies, this year even including quiche (see fotos). The pointsettias were sold at € 5 a piece, the proceeds going to our charity, The Kölner Frauenhaus. In addition, the stocking was passed around for donations. As there was no set programme for this afternoon, we had plenty of time to catch up with each other and chat with members we don’t always see. For most of us, this marks the beginning of the holiday season.

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