AGM on 30th September 2020

Sept. 30, 2020. This year our AGM was a bit different, since we had to follow Corona rules and restrictions. First and foremost, we had a much bigger room in the Alte Feuerwache, which gave us enough space for social distancing. We had to sit at tables of 4 and remain seated during the meeting, which was difficult at first but we managed. Tea, coffee and cakes were served by 3 volunteering Committee members. Our Deputy Chairperson gave the welcoming speech, substituting for our Chairperson who had an unfortunate fall just the week before. Our Secretary read the minutes of the last AGM, one of our Social Hostesses gave the social report, our Treasurer gave us a very positve financial report and of course started collecting our annual dues. For the charity this Cosmo year, we unanimously decided on the Alte Feuerwache, which does a lot of community work and has suffered during the Corona crisis.    
It was emphasized that these procedures will have to be followed at least until after Christmas: wearing a mask while moving around, staying seated at one table, and waiting until coffee etc. is served. We all agreed that this is certainly better than having no meetings at all, and we will learn to cope. All in all, it was fun to see so many again, 21 attended. And we’re looking forward to the new COSMO year 2020/21.

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