Alpaca Farm Visit – some notes from Dee

We’ve all been receiving info  with the – to me – obvious and not always really stimulating content: Stay safe/Stay healthy.  As if any of us ever wanted to do anything else. So I’m going to add my contribution to this riveting subject but only to the select few- the members of the Cosmopolitan Ladies Club in Cologne. 

Last Saturday our chair-person Barbara and myself decided to go for it and live dangerously.  We visited the Alpaca farm Alpakahof Faber in Much.  This only required us to drive there, park, walk into the field and sit on a bench.  As there was a small number of other people, there was a small number of benches where we sat in our isolated groups wearing our masks and observing a group of young male alpacas.  Remember, we were in a field Im Bergischen. Now the good bit. The owner of the farm gave us a genuinely lovely and informative introduction to the whole subject of alpacas and how she and her husband got involved with them.  She told us they have a soothing effect on humans and are sometimes used by therapists to calm patients. I can only confirm this.  We sat and watched them grazing, they came up to us and gave us The Look and we just sat there and relaxed.  They are beautiful animals, sort of like very large dogs but calmer.  After a while the owner said nicely that our time was up, I’ve no idea how long we sat there.  We walked up to the farm shop and gradually came back to the ‘real’ world of humans. 

Barbara and I had a wonderful time and can reommend this excursion to anyone. 

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