Charity and BOOK/DVD Sale on 3rd May 2017

One important aspect of our Cosmo Club is contributing to a certain charity, which is decided upon every year at our AGM in the fall. This year we decided on supporting girls’ projects at the Alte Feuerwache, where we meet for our IN meetings throughout the year. We collect donations at the Advent Tea, Christmas Lunch, Ash Wednesday Lunch and at our Book and DVD sale in the spring. And occassionally we get random donations from members.
This year our charity sale was on May 3. Members contribute books and DVDs they want to pass on which are then sold for € 1 each, the money going to our charity. Someone representing the charity gives a talk, telling us exactly how the money will be used. This year it was a social worker at the Alte Feuerwache, who described the various projects available for the young girls living in this area. In addition to special projects and excursions, girls can also come to the Alte Feuerwache to do homework and just to get advice or a helping hand. Since the Alte Feuerwache is in an area where many girls come from families with migration backgrounds, this extra help is very welcome. After this lively, informative talk, we were sure we had chosen a worthy cause. All in all, we were able to donate about € 600 to this year’s charity.

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