Guided Tour in English of the Gurlitt Status Report at the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn on 10th January 2018

After an informal IN meeting at the Alte Feuerwache on Jan. 10, with time to chat and hear about Dee’s South African trip, we had our first OUT meeting of 2018 in Bonn on Jan 17. We visited the Gurlitt exhibit at the Bundeskunsthalle and had a very good guided tour in English. The exhibit includes never-before displayed works of a wide range of artists, including Düren, Brueghel, Monet, Liebermann, Renoir, just to name a few. But perhaps even more important, we learned a lot about the Gurlitt family and the work that has been going on to identfy real ownership of many items which had disappeared during the NS time in Germany. So it was not only a unique art experience but also an ‘excursion’ into recent art history. All in all, it was an exciting way to start the year off, and we’re looking forward to several more excursions coming up this spring.

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