Informal Summer Programme 2016

During our summer break we are offering the following informal events:

Wednesday, 6th July
12:00  Informal lunch at Beirut, Buttermarkt 3.
Trams 1,7,9 to Heumarkt or tram 5 to Rathaus

Wednesday, 3rd  August
Visit to the Fürst Pückler Exhibition at the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn.
10:30  Meet at Douglas in the main station in Cologne to travel by tram to Bonn.
12:00   Lunch at the  restaurant next door to the museum as usual.
13.45   Museum Visit – this will NOT be a guided tour.  Entrance will depend on numbers participating.   There are two possibilities: to visit the roof garden and the exhibition (10 Euro pp or 7.50 Euro pp group price) or just the exhibition (8 Euro pp or 6.50 Euro pp group price).  This will probably depend on the weather. 

Wednesday, 7th September
12:00  Lunch at Gilden im Zims, diagonally opposite to the 12 Apostles, in Heumarkt.
Trams 1,7,9 to Heumarkt or tram 5 to Rathaus

Although all of the above events are informal, please let us know by the Monday before the event if you will be attending, so that tables may be booked for the appropriate number.

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