Programme April – June 2018

All IN meetings are held at the Alte Feuerwache, Mechiorstraße 3

18th April, 2018 – IN MEETING 14:00
Talk by a member of the Kölner Frauenhaus (our Charity for the year) and Book Sale
Sign up for tour of Kartäuser Kirche
Join us for lunch in the restaurant at 12:30

2nd May, 2018 – OUT MEETING 14:15
Guided tour of theKartäuser Kirche and Kloster in GERMAN
Maximum: 15 attendees Cut off date 24.4.18 12 Euro per person
Meet 14:00 at Kartäusergasse 7, 50678 Köln Map will follow with reminder
Lunch at Brauereiausschank, Severinstrasse 28, 50678 Köln 12:00
Tram 17 Kartäuserhof, 16/15 Chlodwigplatz, 3/4/17 Severinstrasse
Parking is difficult near the church

16th May, 2018 – IN MEETING 14:00
Talk by Andrew Ollivant – Chorus Master of the Cologne Opera House “My Life in Music”
Sign up for visit on 30th May to Egyptian Museum
Join us for lunch in the restaurant at 12:30

30th May, 2018 – OUT MEETING 14:00
Visit to Egyptian Museum, Bonn 14:00 Guided tour in English
Lunch at Roses, Martinsplatz 2a, 53113 Bonn
Maximum: 20 people 5 Euros per person
Join up for tram or train at 10.30 a.m. outside Douglas Perfume Shop, Köln Hauptbahnhof
Price of ticket will depend on the number travelling

13th June, 2018 – IN MEETING 14:00
Talk by Barbara “Travelling in South Africa: Impressions”
Sign up for Year End Party and list of your donations for the party
Join us for lunch in the restaurant at 12:30

27th June, 2018 – OUT MEETING 12:00 YEAR END PARTY
This year Lene Kometz has kindly offered to host the year end party at her studio.
Details of how to get there will be given in the reminder

LADIES, as well as letting us know in time whether you will be attending an event, it is equally as important to inform the person organising the event if you will be unable to be present, in order for the group not to have to wait for someone who has signed up who is not going to come. Please make sure you read the information about cut off dates, in order not to be disappointed. Thank you.

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