Programme September to December 2018

All IN meetings are held at the Alte Feuerwache, Melchiorstraße 3

26th September – IN MEETING 14:00
AGM Welcome, Election of Committee Members, Selection of Charity for the coming year.
Payment of fees, Handout of information regarding Data Protection.
Sign up for the 70th Anniversary Tea.
Join us for lunch in the restaurant at 12:30

10th October – IN MEETING 14:00
Talk by Lene on Asger Jorn – a Danish painter.
Join us for lunch in the restaurant at 12.30
Continue sign up for the 70th Anniversary Tea.
Sign up for visit to Synagogue with first and last full names, date of birth, place of birth and
telephone number. You must bring a document of identification with you to the synagogue.
Cut-off date is 7th November. Lunch to be arranged for 12:00

24th October – OUT MEETING 14:00
70th Anniversary Tea at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in the Glashaus Restaurant.
Prosecco donated by the Hotel, coffee or tea and cake. Contribution 10 Euros, Guests 19 Euros.

7th November – IN MEETING 14:00
Talk and concert by Victor Balaguer, guitarist and composer.
Sign up for visit to the Synagogue with first and last full names, date of birth, place of birth and
telephone number. You must bring a document of identification with you to the synagogue. Cost 5 Euros.
Cut-off date is 7th November. Lunch to be arranged for 12:00
Sign up for Advent Tea with your contributions.

14th November – OUT MEETING 14:00
Visit to Synagogue 14:00 Meet for lunch at 12:00 or meet at 13:45 Roonstrasse 50, 50674 Köln.
Tram 15 to Zülpicher Platz and then 8 minute walk. Plan will be attached to reminder. Remember you must bring a document of identification with you.

28th November – IN MEETING 14:00
Advent Tea with many homemade goodies.
Join us for lunch beforehand at 12:30
Sign up for Christmas Lunch.

12th December – OUT MEETING 12:00
Christmas Lunch at 12:00 at the Consilium Restaurant, Rathaus Platz 1, 50667 Köln
Trams 1,7, 9 to Heumarkt, 5 to Rathaus. Plenty of nearby parking.

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