IN – Annual Book/DVD Sale and Final Collection for the Kölner Frauenhäuser on 10th April 2024

Our IN meeting after the Easter break was our annual book and DVD sale, the proceeds of which go to our chosen charity, this year once again the 2 Frauenhäuser in Cologne. Since their representative, Frau Schrimpf, was unable to attend, Barbara gave us a quick survey of their work. The 2nd house is primarily for older women, and women with mental disabilities. A 3rd house is planned, but no definite time has been set up.. We were offered the option of choosing from 2 different projects on which our donation would be spent but as the members present found both projects equally good , we decided to leave the choice to the Frauenhäuser.
In the end, we were able to present the Häuser with a check of € 500, which included money collected at the Christmas lunch and various other contributions.
The selection of books/DVDs was very interesting, our members clearly have wide-ranging taste! As always we all enjoyed the tea/coffee and home-made cake and the opportunity to chat and catch up with everyone’s news in our familiar, relaxed environment
15 ladies attended. It was a nice, easy-going afternoon with plenty of time to chat and catch up.

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