OUT – Christmas Lunch at the Consilium on 13th December 2023

The Cosmo Club met for the annual Christmas lunch on Wed.Dec13 at the Consilium restaurant in central Cologne.  With 25 members attending the atmosphere was very lively and plenty of opportunities for good chats.There was a choice between 2 starters, 3 main courses and 2 desserts. We felt this gave everyone a good choice and as one of the main courses was roast goose,  well ,for a lot of us , that was it!  My personal selection of the fresh green salad and the goose was so good that I couldn’t even attempt the dessert.  But those who did, seemed satisfied with both options.

The service was a bit slow and not all main courses came at the same time, which did cause some  irritation but the staff were so friendly and genuinely seemed to be doing their best, so most people were able to accept it. 

The promised reduction of 10 % on the printed prices was carried out faithfully, which was pleasant.  I had had visions of having to ask for it.  

All in all it was a very pleasant pre-Christmas event and I felt it rounded off our autumn programme very nicely.

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