Programme January to March 2023

All IN-meetings are held at the Alte Feuerwache, Melchior Straße 3,
(at the Offener Treff), next to the Information Office

11.01.23 IN – Welcome to the New Year with coffee/tea and cake. 14:00
Beginning of the year meeting. A representative from Hövi-Land (this
year´s charity) will talk to us about the activities planned for the summer.
Join us for lunch in the restaurant at 12:30.
Sign up for the visit to Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, non-guided tour.

25.01.23 OUT – Wallraf-Richartz-Museum 14:00
“Susanna” Bilder einer Frau vom Mittelalter bis Me Too.
Meet at the museum at 13.45 Cost is 10 Euro pp in a group of 10 people; with fewer people 13 Euro pp. This is not a guided tour, but headphones will be available at 5 Euro per set.
Lunch at L`Osteria, Martinstr 1, 50667 Köln at 12:00

08.02.23 IN – Talk by John Sykes 14:00
“Walking England” John will talk about his plan to walk 3,500 km of
coastline of England with emphasis on the completed five day walk of
Offa´s Dyke in September.
Join us for lunch in the restaurant at 12:30.
Sign up for Ash Wednesday Lunch.

22.02.23 OUT – Ash Wednesday Lunch 12:00
Join us for lunch at a restaurant still to be decided

08.03.23 IN – Talk by Kimberly Colegrove on UNICEF 14:00
After the event there will be the possibility of buying UNICEF
greetings cards.
Join us for lunch in the restaurant at 12:30.
Sign up for a free guided tour of the historical Wasserturm Hotel.

22.03.23 OUT – Guided tour of the historical Wasserturm Hotel, Cologne. 14:00
Curio Collection by Hilton, Kaygasse 2, 50676 Cologne.
The tour is free of charge and afterwards there will be the opportunity
to partake of coffee and cake.
Lunch at Nem Viet, Vietnamese restaurant, Hohe Pforte 9, 50676 Köln.

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