Christmas Lunch at the Gasthaus Rennbahn

Our annual Christmas lunch at the Rennbahn restaurant in Cologne-Weidenpesch was once again a complete success – 17 members and  guests attended. Having tried several different restaurants over the past years, this one has become our favorite, and we weren’t disappointed this year. Everything, from the complimentary glass of prosecco to the huge desserts (one for two – highly recommended)was geared to set the mood for a lovely luncheon.The updated members’ list was handed out and of course we got the programme for the new year, up to the Easter break, with lots of interesting new IN- and OUT-meetings to look forward to. We also collected121,50€  for this year’s charity, a project at the Alte Feuerwache. What a delightful, delicious way to start the holiday season!

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