Programme September to December 2020

IN meetings to be held in the Alte Feuerwache in the Große Forum

The programme for the coming months has been planned so that the safety of our members is paramount. We have planned only IN meetings, except for the Christmas Lunch. These will be held in the Große Forum which provides more space so that social distancing rules can be followed. We hope that the meetings will take place, but unfortunately this is not always in our hands. We will do our best and look forward to seeing you all again soon.

30th September – IN MEETING 14:00 – AGM
Welcome, Election of Committee Members, Selection of Charity for the coming year, Payment of fees
Join us for lunch in the restaurant at 12:30

14th October – IN MEETING 14:00QuizCANCELLED
Lesley and Ina will present one of their famous quizzes. Please come prepared for some difficult questions and a fun afternoon.
Join us for lunch in the restaurant at 12:30

28th October – IN MEETING 14:00 – Travel Report on Japan CANCELLED
A talk by our member Barbara “A Lady in Japan” – a report on her recent travel to Japan regaling us with her impressions and experiences while she was there.
Join us for lunch in the restaurant at 12:30

18th November – IN MEETING 14:00 – Introduction of another Danish painterCANCELLED
A talk by member Lene about the Danish painter Anna Ancher (1859-1935)
Sign up for Advent Tea with your contributions.
Join us for lunch in the restaurant at 12:30

25th November – IN MEETING 14:00 – Advent TeaCANCELLED
Advent Tea with many homemade goodies.
Sign up for Christmas Lunch.
Join us for lunch in the restaurant at 12:30

9th December – OUT MEETING 12:00Christmas Lunch
We will not have our Christmas Lunch again at the Consilium Restaurant, Rathaus Platz 1, 50667 Köln. Other plans will depend on Corona restrictions valid at the time – under review.

PLEASE NOTE : Payments can be made to the CLCC ACCOUNT –
BANK: KSK, Account holder: Barbara Müller-Stolz IBAN NO: DE94 3705 0299 0000 0289 85
Please always state what you are making the payment for and add 50 cents
for transaction fee

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